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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I've So Got To Get To Norway.

I'm 200 words short of the half-way point of this essay on how much Conservatives in America Smell (A Lot, if you were wondering), but man, i've got to stop and hit the blog right now cos it is vitally important I declare how absolutely hot Nordic women are. there's one on the computer just across from me, and it's so unfair I don't speak any Nordic languages. I can't even pronounce Fijord properly (let alone be sure i spelt it right).

It's times like these one wishes one had started one's essay months in advance, so he wouldn't be making up so much jibberish and hoping that it will be intelligible enough to pass even with two points deducted. then one wouldn't be trapped in this PC dungeon surrounded by other people who are studying far more than one is.

Also Canadians.

I must remind myself at this point that some of the best times of my life have been spent with Australian Girls. but none of them are four feet away from me right now.

At this point i'm going to decide that I must split this blog into a sensible boring Energy/Oil blog that will one day be linked to the greatest of all online newspapers (that I read anyway, and that's what makes it so great), the washington post.

the other will be for the far more interesting, and time-wasting, blog posts about things that just strike me. like those eyes, just want them to look at me without any malice, which is what I've come to dread.
posted by Keegan at 11:54 am ... 0 comments


Sunday, May 29, 2005

I've Been XXI For Long Enough.

It's Cold in Kenso House now, the Month's got two days left to run, and i've got one more day to write this 3000 word essay on conservatives, who i've decided smell. Like worse than mei, and it's an irrefutable fact that Mei Smells (A Statement That Will Be Retracted Upon A New Blog Post).

I applied for jobs yesterday, one that rang off, one's not in till tues, and the third was an email into the void. Tomorrow I can score two shifts, dance parties on the long weekend, at least it's work, and if one of them's Gay, then the tips'll be quite good. Kickin' myself for missing a job op this past wednesday, down the city end of oxford street, no exp neccesary, just show up at 6pm to apply. Only i'm reading the ad at 7pm. sigh.

Beating the Cold and the Joblessness for annoyance is my new phone. It hasn't beeped or rang for three days now, and what's worse is there hasn't been reason for it to. Jenna's got her own way of communicating, and there's not that many people out there willing to burn credit sending a Smess just to defuse a minor case of bordom. More so, there's those out there who I want to Smess, but there's no justification to do so. I'm considering hunting down some sort of tamagotchi game for the phone, just so i've got a reason to pick it up and have a look at it with an empty inbox.

But now that a reasonable amount of time has passed since I turned 21, (i.e. a week since the brethalyser reached 0.00 after the party), It's high time judgement was passed. While early on I paced myself, a game of King of Beers passed three beers through these lips, and then someone kicked on with Crazy 8's, a game where the real trick is to not let anyone catch you skipping drinks you owe. Something that, having become Inebrieated under mon Regente Du Bier, I'd neglected to remember. Having been swayed by the arguement that the aim of the game was to get drunk (that and the shittiest hand one has ever had the privilege to hold), I'm assuming i downed another three beers.

After that, it gets Hazy. I know Kimili came during King of Beers, and Brought the Couch Forth for Crazy 8s, and an Smess invoking Bec and Cath to carry unto the party gifts of Lemons, Limes, and Myrrh, though they didn't score us any Myrrh the lemons were recieved with Joy and Tequila. Two shots remembered... then exiting the kitchen. teasing of pete and mei, a light collapsing (repaired now, no frets), then I'm told (and my phone held the proof therin), that from this gentle exterior The Sleaze emerged (You're Making me Sleazy. You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Sleazy... ). Luckily, The Sleaze has a limited run-time, and the alcohol powered sleaze-field collapsed shortly thereafter as a Technicolour Rainbow Snake burst from it's cage deep within. Having exorcised The Sleaze and various other entities dwelling within, My Body unaminously voted to collapse on my bed (Brain Abstaining).

I've asked most people, and they tells me they had a good time, and I'm pretty sure I did, though I failed to wake up next to the girl of my dreams. Having had no dreams in that period of unconsciousness, I'm content to admit "It's A Fair Cop, Guv", and say a big thankyou for everyone for coming, getting that drunk would have been far less fun without a lot of people to be drunk with and in front of, and I hope we'll all still be turning up to each other's birthdays for our 30ths. 2014 for me, woah. I better've been to North America by then, or I'll be kickin myself.
posted by Keegan at 1:14 pm ... 0 comments


Sunday, May 15, 2005

48.67. I'll be Quiet. For Now.

Temporary Distraction - No Oil Research till it's back over $52.50. The setback seems seasonal, and slower growth in China/India (A third of the world's population, remember), Greenspan sure as hell knows what he's doing. $10 off the all time high.

Still getting stiffed at the pump though, guess it does take a while for the price to filter through to the singapore market (remind me to find out that one sometime...), and to get round to the central coast or even in the city. Still, Good Times Were Had By All at Erin's 21st, troppo was fun enough, I guess, though the DJ didn't B.A.N.A.N.A.S. Bec thinks its funny. One or two out there dancing that you'd really want to get to know. no. not like that. not just like that anyway. after a while maybe. awful cute though.

ANYWAY, that's not what i'm really here to talk about.

This essay, now that i'm getting aroung to doing it, is really rather interesting. everyone (michael moore etc) has been saying for ages that the US is acting unilaterally, going it alone in Iraq against the wishes of the world, and that this is a dramatic and crazy shift in U.S. Foreign policy under a crazed cowboy. Bzzt. The US is doing the same thing it's done since the end of WWII, maybe even WWI though i've not looked into US actions in the intervening period enough to implicitly state that. but during the Cold War certainly. how does it work?
1) Decide Action Needs To Be Taken.
2) Use Multinational Organisation to Legitimise action. if no Organisation exists, create one.
3) If Multinational Organisation is resistant to US Policy, Suggest Moral Ineptitude (Supporting Communist/Terrorists)
4) Take Action with or without Multinational Organisation.
"Coalition of The Willing" "You're Either With Us Or Against Us" "Axis of Evil". The Victor Writes History, and this is how it's working now.

just had a peek at Neil's MSN Space (can someone test that link for us?) and his genius use of html gimmicks. ace. At least someone's blogging, apart from me and Tom. and Tom's is way better than this little window into a couple of the streams of thought that pour through my head.

Applied at Fox Studios Hoyts Today (kudos for the hot tip go to Nikki) the manager said that there's been a lot of applications so interviews if we're considered won't be till after next week (sigh, the one premier worth the fuss this year, and I'm too slow). SO CLOSE...

But then there is this politics essay due, so snap. back to work.
posted by Keegan at 4:16 pm ... 0 comments


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Oil's Up, and 1043 Page Views

Reports from bloomberg (and CNN Commodities last night, though the exact CNN amount escapes me at this present hour [8:30AM at Uni]) indicate that a Barrel is at it's highest price in about two weeks, SMH yesterday roped itself a queensland academic to quote on the inevitability of oil rising, and even the Daily Telegraph had a story on the price going up in the future.

Meanwhile, I got an email for the washington thing, even though i'm not elegible anymore, and it's enough to make you break down, the Senate Energy Comittee (democratic office) was listed as a possible. The one I would've picked on my own, the one where I'd be working the government end of all this oil business. they probably would've busted my visa anyway, cos I joined the Greens as a tax write-off last year. well, that, and as nutty as they are, they're the only party talking about alternative energy (The bureaucracy on the other hand - alternatives rock, and they're pushing through all they can past the big parties).

yeah, 1043 page views, and 761 visits, 30 this past week. most of it's random blog readers, there for half a minute (hi guys, stick around a while, post a comment, I'll read your blog if you leave an adress). I'd have to be a lot more regular and exact with my oil summary if i'm to get anywhere, like the young liberal blogger, listed on Financial Times, and busted by Media Watch the other day. Hah! oh, and 8 days till star wars. just give me a lightsaber and a couple of years training my force powers, lets see how much oil you'll be using then. Make mine a blue one.
posted by Keegan at 8:24 am ... 0 comments


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Woah! Cheers Coote!

and the winner, after ten days of intense bidding among my mates, is... Coote! yay, 10% of the fine returned to me in beer, like a reverse GST, truly this is Karma at work. plus Hitchhiker's Guide The Galaxy Rules, My Essay mangaged to get handed in, and Oil's back up over $50/bbl. thank god. Price hike is bad...
posted by Keegan at 8:36 pm ... 0 comments
