It's Cold in Kenso House now, the Month's got two days left to run, and i've got one more day to write this 3000 word essay on conservatives, who i've decided smell. Like worse than mei, and it's an irrefutable fact that Mei Smells (A Statement That Will Be Retracted Upon A New Blog Post).
I applied for jobs yesterday, one that rang off, one's not in till tues, and the third was an email into the void. Tomorrow I can score two shifts, dance parties on the long weekend, at least it's work, and if one of them's Gay, then the tips'll be quite good. Kickin' myself for missing a job op this past wednesday, down the city end of oxford street, no exp neccesary, just show up at 6pm to apply. Only i'm reading the ad at 7pm. sigh.
Beating the Cold and the Joblessness for annoyance is my new phone. It hasn't beeped or rang for three days now, and what's worse is there hasn't been reason for it to. Jenna's got her own way of communicating, and there's not that many people out there willing to burn credit sending a Smess just to defuse a minor case of bordom. More so, there's those out there who I want to Smess, but there's no justification to do so. I'm considering hunting down some sort of tamagotchi game for the phone, just so i've got a reason to pick it up and have a look at it with an empty inbox.
But now that a reasonable amount of time has passed since I turned 21, (i.e. a week since the brethalyser reached 0.00 after the party), It's high time judgement was passed. While early on I paced myself, a game of King of Beers passed three beers through these lips, and then someone kicked on with Crazy 8's, a game where the real trick is to not let anyone catch you skipping drinks you owe. Something that, having become Inebrieated under mon Regente Du Bier, I'd neglected to remember. Having been swayed by the arguement that the aim of the game was to get drunk (that and the shittiest hand one has ever had the privilege to hold), I'm assuming i downed another three beers.
After that, it gets Hazy. I know Kimili came during King of Beers, and Brought the Couch Forth for Crazy 8s, and an Smess invoking Bec and Cath to carry unto the party gifts of Lemons, Limes, and Myrrh, though they didn't score us any Myrrh the lemons were recieved with Joy and Tequila. Two shots remembered... then exiting the kitchen. teasing of pete and mei, a light collapsing (repaired now, no frets), then I'm told (and my phone held the proof therin), that from this gentle exterior The Sleaze emerged (You're Making me Sleazy. You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Sleazy... ). Luckily, The Sleaze has a limited run-time, and the alcohol powered sleaze-field collapsed shortly thereafter as a Technicolour Rainbow Snake burst from it's cage deep within. Having exorcised The Sleaze and various other entities dwelling within, My Body unaminously voted to collapse on my bed (Brain Abstaining).
I've asked most people, and they tells me they had a good time, and I'm pretty sure I did, though I failed to wake up next to the girl of my dreams. Having had no dreams in that period of unconsciousness, I'm content to admit "It's A Fair Cop, Guv", and say a big thankyou for everyone for coming, getting that drunk would have been far less fun without a lot of people to be drunk with and in front of, and I hope we'll all still be turning up to each other's birthdays for our 30ths. 2014 for me, woah. I better've been to North America by then, or I'll be kickin myself.
posted by Keegan at 1:14 pm
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