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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I've So Got To Get To Norway.

I'm 200 words short of the half-way point of this essay on how much Conservatives in America Smell (A Lot, if you were wondering), but man, i've got to stop and hit the blog right now cos it is vitally important I declare how absolutely hot Nordic women are. there's one on the computer just across from me, and it's so unfair I don't speak any Nordic languages. I can't even pronounce Fijord properly (let alone be sure i spelt it right).

It's times like these one wishes one had started one's essay months in advance, so he wouldn't be making up so much jibberish and hoping that it will be intelligible enough to pass even with two points deducted. then one wouldn't be trapped in this PC dungeon surrounded by other people who are studying far more than one is.

Also Canadians.

I must remind myself at this point that some of the best times of my life have been spent with Australian Girls. but none of them are four feet away from me right now.

At this point i'm going to decide that I must split this blog into a sensible boring Energy/Oil blog that will one day be linked to the greatest of all online newspapers (that I read anyway, and that's what makes it so great), the washington post.

the other will be for the far more interesting, and time-wasting, blog posts about things that just strike me. like those eyes, just want them to look at me without any malice, which is what I've come to dread.
posted by Keegan at 11:54 am


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