Temporary Distraction - No Oil Research till it's back over $52.50. The setback seems seasonal, and slower growth in China/India (A third of the world's population, remember), Greenspan sure as hell knows what he's doing. $10 off the all time high.
Still getting stiffed at the pump though, guess it does take a while for the price to filter through to the singapore market (remind me to find out that one sometime...), and to get round to the central coast or even in the city. Still, Good Times Were Had By All at Erin's 21st, troppo was fun enough, I guess, though the DJ didn't B.A.N.A.N.A.S. Bec thinks its funny. One or two out there dancing that you'd really want to get to know. no. not like that. not just like that anyway. after a while maybe. awful cute though.
ANYWAY, that's not what i'm really here to talk about.
This essay, now that i'm getting aroung to doing it, is really rather interesting. everyone (michael moore etc) has been saying for ages that the US is acting unilaterally, going it alone in Iraq against the wishes of the world, and that this is a dramatic and crazy shift in U.S. Foreign policy under a crazed cowboy. Bzzt. The US is doing the same thing it's done since the end of WWII, maybe even WWI though i've not looked into US actions in the intervening period enough to implicitly state that. but during the Cold War certainly. how does it work? 1) Decide Action Needs To Be Taken. 2) Use Multinational Organisation to Legitimise action. if no Organisation exists, create one. 3) If Multinational Organisation is resistant to US Policy, Suggest Moral Ineptitude (Supporting Communist/Terrorists) 4) Take Action with or without Multinational Organisation. "Coalition of The Willing" "You're Either With Us Or Against Us" "Axis of Evil". The Victor Writes History, and this is how it's working now.
just had a peek at Neil's MSN Space (can someone test that link for us?) and his genius use of html gimmicks. ace. At least someone's blogging, apart from me and Tom. and Tom's is way better than this little window into a couple of the streams of thought that pour through my head.
Applied at Fox Studios Hoyts Today (kudos for the hot tip go to Nikki) the manager said that there's been a lot of applications so interviews if we're considered won't be till after next week (sigh, the one premier worth the fuss this year, and I'm too slow). SO CLOSE...
But then there is this politics essay due, so snap. back to work.
posted by Keegan at 4:16 pm
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