I like the Ben Folds version best. I've got my little cavern to hide in, but I can't do it forever. not if it means 40hrs/wk on UK minimum wage doing this mind-numbing, soul-destroying job. it's an isolated place, I knew that when I came, so okay sure, fine, easier to save money when there's nowhere to spend it. makes it easier to travel. just gotta get those managers to understand that if I don't get those days off in a row, I'm gonna take matters into my own hands, and take every day for the rest of time off, and seek alternative employment. but make it seem like it's their idea.
and that simmering pool of rage? at my own idiocy for thinking that you can msg a random a month down the line and get any kind of reply. I do like that brad pitt rule though; "if you were brad pitt, would she use that excuse, and not offer another time for the date?" there's a here and now, should try and focus on that. and next time consider wether an employer can offer a trial period, and think about how dependent you want to be on them. wages, food and board is a lot to expect from a single source.
posted by Keegan at 10:39 am