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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

So This Chick Right,

Y'know, I turned off the TV, sat down at the computer, decided I was going to write about the girl from troppo, and then decided nup. I don't like being turned on. and I don't have to write 'bout it neither. Uni's back tomorrow, and I'm going to be a teched up student with a laptop and an iPod and too much time and not enough cash.

actually, with about 9000 more words to be written and fine tuned by the 17th, I don't really have that much time.

but no, I didn't come on here to complain. no axe to grind. oh that's right, I'm here to plug Super Nintendo. Games that I don't spend hours on at a time, and I get back to writing after thrashing out a Mario level. try Cool Roms, get yourself an emulator first though. the one I'm using now's the same one I had on the pentium III, back in high school. just cos it ain't new, doesn't mean it ain't fun.
posted by Keegan at 9:59 pm


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