It's been almost a week since I've posted. stuff has happened, or not happened in interesting ways. without being written down, things begin to fade from the mind. I can remember a girl in first semester of uni being nice and fun to hang out with... and then I do the kidney thing and she starts to fade from the mind.
A CD collection's great because you can track what you were listening to at a particular time. or you could, if you marked down when you got the cd. and if people listened to CDs. this is more of a complaint against Windows XP, for not letting me sort music according to 'modified'. otherwise I'd be able to figure out what I was listening to three years ago. or three months ago.
I don't know why, But i'm starting to write again. it must be orwell, inspiring and articulate. eases tension, in a way a blog can't. in a book, I can hide it forever. dozens of notebooks, whose to tell where something secret lies. here, it can be found. find my name, find my last name. find my blog. find what I've said, and then judge me on just one of the hundreds of thoughts in my head at any given moment, the one thought that made it out onto the keyboard, and stuck here. it's been so long, over a year now since I started this thing.
And everything is designed to distract us from politics. look how far it's come from even modest hopes of a minor political blog, to a therapy tool, to a habit.
posted by Keegan at 8:53 pm
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