it's just going on 10pm now, and I was gone last night having the time of my life, and now here I am paying back the credit of excitement I took out of the life back. paying back in bordom. The cost wouldn't be that high, if it wasn't for the looming assignments that find themselves unwritten on a crucially free day. end of this week, then I'll be on "holidays" writing another couple of essays. I've found myself at uni, when avoiding study, turning to creative writing again (that little pod people piece was an attempt at a "heckler" submission, too short by far and not quite funny enough for me to actually try to submit), and because of this I'm going to take my green book in again, this little diary-like object still filled with the complicated post-relationship emotions in writing. I Haven't written in it for quite a while because it's come to represent that phase, and that feeling.
I'm thinking now, that writing in it for this moment, the way I feel now, could take a lot of the power out of it.
although, I've also noticed that I only write when I'm feeling Unrequited. that's probably it. Tuesday's coming.
posted by Keegan at 9:44 pm
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