Saturday was mmm... tasty. I never get to eat seafood in kensington, kev's all "nah...", so lunch with mum was a Thai calimari salad, and at the Entrance I hit up a Marinara. mmm... all those weird bits of slimy tubes taste soooo good. Went down as good as espresso shots upside the Lord Ash. Largo's lost it's appeal though, even the eye candy seems less tasty when compared to some of the finer specimens on parade in the city.
Trapped in the vice-like grip of Sobriety, and only just making it into the beer garden before Midnight, I was lookin around and seeing nothing worth putting any effort into. never gonna find nothin' stickin my nose around the coast - really is time to get out in the city more.
posted by Keegan at 9:34 am
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