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Sunday, June 26, 2005


1. What time is it? 8:50
2. What is your name? Keegan
3. Any nicknames? Kegs, Keegs
4. Parents Names? John and Heather
5. Number of candles on your last birthday cake? about 50, last time I had a cake with candles was when i was 10 at space camp
6. Date that you regularly blow out candles? 23rd May
7. Pets? Dog that lives with parents
8. Tattoos? Lucky I didn't, cos I don't want the ones I thought of anymore.
9. How much do you love your job-scale of 1 to 10? 9, 1 point off .5 cos of lack of shifts, and .5 from not getting hit on enough.
10. Birthplace? Penriff
11. Favourite vacation spot? Venice Beach, Orange County, in Cali.
12. Ever been to Africa? no
13. Stolen any traffic signs? A few, no good ones but.
14. Ever been in a car accident? yes
15. Croutons or Bacon bits? Pizza Hut Bacon Bits
16. Favourite Pie? Cheese and Tomato
17. Favourite Number? 42
18. Favourite Movie(s)? Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
19. Favourite Colour? Sunsets.
20. Favourite public Holiday? The ones I'm working all day for 2.5x Pay
21.favourite Food? Ogalo Chicken
22. Favourite day of the week? Monday Arvo, Tues Morn. those 24 hours.
23. Favourite brand of body soap? Green
24. Favourite TV shows? Futurama. Also the one about the Colonisation of Mars based on Kim Stanley Robinson's Trilogy that I'll be a screenwriter for.
25. Toothpaste? Something with whitener. damn ads making me self-conscious.
26. Most recently read book? Collapse: How Societies Choose To Fail Or Survive
27. Perfume/Cologne? If the ladies could please wear vanilla, I'd be so happy.
28. What's your favourite smell? A beautiful Girl with a vanilla perfume
29. What do you do to relax? Sleep.
30 When was your last hospital visit? One of the check-up tests for the Kidney Thing
31. How do you see yourself in ten years time? In The States, Comfortable Relationship and a steady enjoyable job.
32. What do you do when you are bored? SNES Emulator, Read, Stare at teh wall and try and think of something to do...
33. What presents do you enjoy receiving? DVDs and Books, So many hours...
34. Furthest place you will send this message? I bet some random blogger will browse it from Anywhere
35. Who will respond the fastest? Send it to dailygringo(at) and we'll find out
36. Least likely to respond? You, Ya Bludger.
37. What time is it now? 9:04
posted by Keegan at 8:48 pm


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