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Sunday, January 23, 2005

University Confirmation

finally, I'm getting some clarity about my future - I got into Maquarie, and I can progress towards a Bachelor of Arts, Major in Politics, and while the education at my previous institution has been valuable, it has also been quite limited. It also puts my unemployed status into a stark obviousness. Get a Job, they say, that little pile of nuts you gathered won't last all winter, not with the commute you've committed yourself to.

Now if at this point I started whinging that government should be paying for all my expenses cos students are the most important resource we have as a nation, that would just be greedy. I do want a job, but I feel I'm going ot have trouble finding one that's appropriate and desirable - Indoor work with no heavy lifting (the heavy lifting in my previous job resulted in a workplace injury that left me quitting my job). Because of my Uni timetable, it has to be weekend work, fri-sun. now for some reason, most people like ot have the weekend off to do non-work things. students, on the other hand, would like to work enough to get by, and weekends seem to be the best time for this work.

But the real news heere is i've started reading my political books again, given the Tom Clancy books the flick for the meantime, and here's to hoping my Textbooks'll be interesting. actually, let's go to the Co-Op Site now, and find out...

No Dice, online lists aren't up yet. Not missing out I hope. Well, I'll find out when my wisdom teeth get taken out tomorrow. That'll be fun. barrell of laughs. I've had more needles than I could count (I lost count after 50 or so since 2002), but in the mouth? that's fresh.

posted by Keegan at 8:15 am


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