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Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Let Loose The Hounds Of Capitalism

Why do I continue to live in this system, working a god-awful job? I mean, it's seriously drone work, that really shouldn't exist if capital was being spread evenly. I could handle it at the corner shop, or as dad's typist, but as a pair of arms at a supermarket? bollocks to that.

As capitalism spreads thoughout the world, under the guise of democracy, it coalesces all these small businesses into larger ones that can dominate more easily, and make themselves more profits. Shareholders are not the only stakeholders in a company. the influence of capitalism is enormous, and the effect that conglomerates on native business can be devastating, unless they are regulated, limited, and controlled. letting capitalism run loose is akin to leaving a pitbull in a playpen. It should be kept on a leash, on the other side of a fence that keeps it away from those who could get hurt.

posted by Keegan at 12:10 pm


Blogger Disillusioned kid said...


I stumbled across your blog when checking out if anyone had linked to mine. Thanks, it's nice to know somebody actually appreciates my rantings!

I like your blog, lots of interesting thoughts. You still writing or have you abandoned it? Keep it up. It's good.

7:11 am  

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